Hannes Hauswedell Hannes Hauswedell

Random thoughts on programming, UNIX and software freedom.

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Photo of the Month — 2014-09

With a minor delay, here is the photo of the month for September. It was taken this February in Zermatt, Switzerland. It is a Panorama consisting of eight individual Portrait-orientated shots, stitched together with Hugin. Unfortunately (again) the size limitations of this blog prevent me from giving you a better resolution / quality. The original is 8512x4634 and roughly 200MB big. Developing and editing was tricky on this one, and used the opportunity to learn about regional masks in Darktable.

Photo of the Month — 2014-08

Originally I had wanted to post a different picture, but sadly the war against the Palestinian people has seen yet another level of escalation, so here’s a picture in solidarity with the Palestinians and all other people suffering from war and oppression. I shot it in Ramallah, Westbank, 2011. Many things have been said about the situation and I don’t want to engage in political debate on this blog, so I will not say more than the solidarity expressed above.

[advertising] A nice Indie-Game

I have just backed a wonderful looking independent dystopian RPG on Kickstarter! It’s called Insomnia, it looks like it uses the Free Software Engine Ogre3d (although its not Free Software itself) and it will feature native Linux support. They still need money, so if you enjoy special video games, go help them out and pre-order your DRM-free copy!

Photo of the Month -- 2014-07

I decided to start a photo-of-the-month series; hopefully I will be able to keep it up. Unfortunately the upload limitation on this platform is 1MB per picture so you won’t get high-res for now. The picture was taken last fall in Oberengadin, Switzerland, close to Salecina House. It was a breath-taking sunset and I was very tired from a day of hiking, but thankful for having been there right at that moment!

Secure Texting and why FSFE cares

Heard of WhatsApp? If you haven’t used it before (I e.g. haven’t), you can think of it as a free-of-charge messaging app that knows which of your contacts also have the app and automatically routes messages to them over your dataplan instead of SMS, so it’s (usually) free of charge. In the face of NSA and WhatsApp’s recent acquisition by Facebook, many of the million WhatsApp users are looking for secure and trustworthy alternatives.