PDFReaders 2.0 - Your help is needed!
Hi everyone,
we are currently preparing a major update to PDFReaders.org, adding:
a more appealing and cleaner “home”-page, with one recommendation for the auto-detected platform
Free pdf reader recommendations for mobile platforms
Free pdf browser plugin recommmendations
BUT, we need some help with gathering/verifying information, deciding what to recommend…
Please have a look at the current Reader-Overview and the TODOs there.
Please tell us…
if you know any other Free pdf readers that we haven’t listed, yet (for any plaform, but especially OSX and iOS)
which Android reader you would recommend
any other ideas you might have!
You can reach us via mail or comment directly in the blog. If you have an account at the fellowship-wiki you can commit changes to the overview directly.
Thanks for your help!