Hannes Hauswedell Hannes Hauswedell

Random thoughts on programming, UNIX and software freedom.

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Random Nerdiness

Encrypting cron's daily mail

Most you have probably set your system aliases to receive root’s e-mail, and that of course is a very good idea so you are kept up to date. On the other hand you do send a lot of information about your system through the wire, often package diagnostics with information about locally installed vulnerable software and many other things that might help a person or entity gain access to your computer.

[advertising] A nice Indie-Game

I have just backed a wonderful looking independent dystopian RPG on Kickstarter! It’s called Insomnia, it looks like it uses the Free Software Engine Ogre3d (although its not Free Software itself) and it will feature native Linux support. They still need money, so if you enjoy special video games, go help them out and pre-order your DRM-free copy!

Tracking memory usage Revisited

I posted an article on tracking memory usage a while ago. Unfortunately it doesn’t work for a lot of cases, i.e. when programs are statically linked, or are written in a way where they don’t go through the dynamic linker, e.g. programs written in Java. I now actually pgrep the child processes of the invoked command and sum up all the processes’ resident set memory, as found in /proc, repeatedly, preserving the max.

Tracking memory usage

… or why using Linux can be a pain, when you come from the BSD-world. On BSD (and MacOSX and probable other UNIXes), if you want to track a program’s memory usage, you can simply issue the following in a CSHELL set time= ( 0 "%D KB avg / %K KB total / %M KB max" ) or just use /usr/bin/time’s l-parameter. On GNU/Linux on the other hand, rusage as defined by POSIX is not completely implemented, so you cannot do this.

ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity

I have this tablet since two or three months now and I must say, I pleasently surprised with the hardware. People who know me, know that I don’t say stuff like that often. My taste in hardware just doesn’t align with the mainstream, I guess. I want hardware keyboards, I need high resolution displays, I like metal bodies and battery time is important. I don’t care about weight, style issues or fancy accesories, like pink fur covers or stuff like that.